GSO assists its institutional clients in obtaining and renewing work permits as necessary for their projects; we also work with our private clients to secure homeowners’ cards, annual residency, permanent residency and citizenship, depending on their individual circumstances.
Many high net foreign individuals legally reside in The Bahamas as as a secondary residence. Foreign individuals purchasing a second (vacation) home for more than US$500,000 or invest more than US$1,000,000 are eligible to apply for Economic Permanent Residency. Foreign individuals purchasing a home for less than US$500,000.00 can apply for a Home Owners Card or Annual Residency.
Foreign individuals may apply to the Immigration Department for an annual work permit. The cost of work permits can vary from $500 to $12,500 annually per work permit based on profession and category of employment.
GSO has a good working relationship with the Immigration Department and has successfully submitted (and obtained) various types of residency applications to the Immigration Department as well as liaise directly with the Bahamas Investments Board regarding foreign investments and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding visa applications.
GSO Team Members Specialising in Immigration:
We are a progressive, energetic firm with a dynamic team of attorneys and staff dedicated to providing superior legal services to our clients.
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