In addition to services available via the Registrar General’s Department’s (“RGD”) online portal, the RGD has established the following procedures to facilitate a number of company related requests, effective 15 April 2020:

1. Submit your request along with any required documents to the relevant email address below:

a) FOUNDATIONS@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS – For the receipt of requests to register Foundations;
b) ICONS@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS – For the receipt of requests to register ICONS;
c) EXECUTIVEENTITIES@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests to register Executive Entities;
d) SEGREGATEDACCOUNTS@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests to register Segregated Accounts Companies;
e) CHANGEOFAGENTSIBC@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests to change the registered agent of an IBC;
f) CHANGEOFAGENTSREG@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests to change the registered agent of a Companies Act company;
g) IBCGOODSTANDINGS@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests for a certificate of good standing for an IBC which cannot be facilitated via the online portal;
h) IBCCONTINUATIONS@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests to continue a company under the IBC Act;
i) IBCAMENDRESTATE@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests to file IBC amended and restated documents; and
j) IBCDISSOLUTIONS@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  – For the receipt of requests to commence an IBC Dissolution.

2. Once the request has been processed, you will receive an email from COMPANYPAYMENTS@BAHAMAS.GOV.BS  with a credit card payment authorization form attached.  Kindly return this form duly completed along with a copy of a valid identification in the name of the credit card holder.  The card payment will be manually processed and you will receive a copy of the receipt for payment.

3. Once payment is complete, you will receive the relevant certificate by email.  **Please note that as it relates to the filing of IBC Amended & Restated documents, we will only return via email, the pages with the Registrar’s certification affixed.  With respect to any Change of Registered Agent requests, you will be notified once the change has been made.

At this time, we are unable to facilitate any requests other than those listed above.  We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Wellington A. Smith
Acting Assistant Registrar General /
Senior Application Support Officer
Registrar General’s Department
#50 Shirley Street
P. O. Box N-532 Nassau,
The Bahamas
Telephones: (242) 322-7267 – (242) 397-8983
Fax: (242) 325-8600